
Carol's latest book, Gluten-Free Cooking for Two, is now available. Designed for small households, each perfectly-proportioned recipe serves two people. You will eliminate unwanted leftovers and reduce waste when you cook right-size meals with the 125 recipes in this book. Enjoy!! Celebrate with me!!! Gluten-Free Cooking for Two has won two awards: named one of ten "Best Gluten-Free Cooking Books in 2017" by and won a Silver Medal in the 2017 Living Now Book Awards in the "Natural, Nutrition, Organic, Vegetarian" category.
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Where in the World is Carol?

Carol's in the kitchen, cooking up recipes for her next cookbook and

Watch for Carol on "Creative Living with Sheryl Borden," a PBS-TV show airing on your local PBS station during 2017-2018.

Join Carol at the National Western Complex, Expo Hall level 2 in Denver on April 21,10:30 am during the GFAF Expo Conference. See you there!

Announcing Gluten-Free 101: The Essential Beginner’s Guide to Easy Gluten-Free Cooking

I take great delight in making it easy for beginners to prepare their favorite gluten-free meals.

Gluten-Free 101: The Essential Beginner's Guide to Easy Gluten-Free Cooking

That’s why I am especially happy to tell you that my new cookbook for beginners, Gluten-Free 101: The Essential Beginner’s Guide to Easy Gluten-Free Cooking, is now in bookstores and natural food stores (and of course, on

Watch for My Blog Tour

Visit my colleague Amy Green’s marvelous blog for a Lemon Bar recipe and her view of my new book. And, see Sueson Vess’s Special Eats blog for another review. Thanks, ladies!

Many of my other colleagues are blogging about my book in February, so stay tuned to find out where you can win a copy.

My Philosophy About the Book

I believe that living a gluten-free lifestyle can be fun, delicious, and easy. But it wasn’t always that way for me. Like other beginners, I was baffled by unfamiliar ingredients and new cooking techniques when I first adopted a gluten-free diet in 1988. My advantage, however, was that I already had some cooking skills, so the kitchen was not foreign territory to me—as it is for some of you.

Given my own experience and hearing from you, I recognized the need for a cookbook that makes it easy for beginners to make a simple and positive transition to cooking. So, my book explains how to select and work with gluten-free ingredients, how to continue eating healthfully, and how to master basic gluten-free cooking techniques, such as baking delicious breads or rolling gluten-free pizza dough—all with easy-to-follow instructions.

Gluten-Free 101 Has Recipes You Miss the Most

One of the first things newly-diagnosed patients tell me is how much they miss their favorite foods such as pizza, bread, and pasta— and all-American desserts such as brownies, cakes, and cookies. And they miss childhood favorites such as meat loaf, macaroni-and-cheese, spaghetti and meatballs, and comfort-food casseroles. So the book focuses on familiar dishes, but introduces time-saving, simple shortcuts and tips that are especially helpful to beginners.

Examples of Tips, Shortcuts in Gluten-Free 101

For example, using my “cold-oven start,” French baguettes bake in only 30 minutes. Pizza crusts can be baked ahead and frozen, ready for topping at a moment’s notice. I show how to use time-saving appliances such as a slow cooker for beef stew and a food processor to blend cookie dough in seconds. I give tips for handling sticky gluten-free bread dough and shaping gluten-free piecrust so breads and pies look perfect and taste delicious.

Get Your Copy Now

The book contains 175 recipes for everyday favorites with more than 25 beautiful photos to show how the finished dish looks, which is especially important to beginners and each recipe also offers nutrient content. This book joins my award-winning cookbooks— 1,000 Gluten-Free Recipes and 100 Best Gluten-Free Recipes, all from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt publishers. You can buy your copy at bookstores and natural food stores or at order at Send me your postal mailing address and I will send you a signed bookplate that you can paste in the book so you have a signed copy.