
Carol's latest book, Gluten-Free Cooking for Two, is now available. Designed for small households, each perfectly-proportioned recipe serves two people. You will eliminate unwanted leftovers and reduce waste when you cook right-size meals with the 125 recipes in this book. Enjoy!! Celebrate with me!!! Gluten-Free Cooking for Two has won two awards: named one of ten "Best Gluten-Free Cooking Books in 2017" by and won a Silver Medal in the 2017 Living Now Book Awards in the "Natural, Nutrition, Organic, Vegetarian" category.
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Where in the World is Carol?

Carol's in the kitchen, cooking up recipes for her next cookbook and

Watch for Carol on "Creative Living with Sheryl Borden," a PBS-TV show airing on your local PBS station during 2017-2018.

Join Carol at the National Western Complex, Expo Hall level 2 in Denver on April 21,10:30 am during the GFAF Expo Conference. See you there!

Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies

Tall soy cappuccino, please.” That’s my usual order at our local coffee shop. But, while I love lingering over that cappuccino, I wish I had a gluten-free cookie or bar to eat with it.

Flourless Chocolate Cookies

Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies

Recently, I noticed that Starbucks offers “flourless” chocolate chip cookies but they are not labeled gluten-free so I don’t buy them. However, gazing at them in the display case made me want one, right now! So I went home and concocted my own gluten-free version. Here it is:

Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies©
By Carol Fenster
This recipe is small since many people ask me for small-batch recipes because they live in small households. If you just want a few cookies, bake as many as you need and the keep the remaining dough refrigerated for another 3 days. Or, shape into balls and freeze. Then bake as needed. I love pulling these out of the freezer at a moment’s notice and having fresh-baked cookies in about as much time as it takes to heat up the oven. Enjoy!!

Makes 12 cookies
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Chilling time: 2 hours
Baking time: 10 to 12 minutes

1 cup (6 ounces) bittersweet chocolate chips (at least 60% cocoa), divided
1 tablespoon unsalted butter, buttery spread, or coconut oil
1 large egg
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/16 teaspoon baking soda
1/16 teaspoon xanthan gum
1/32 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup finely chopped walnuts or pecans

[1] In a small microwave-safe bowl, heat 1/4 cup of the chocolate chips and the butter on Low power in microwave oven for about 30 seconds, or until melted. Stir; set aside to cool.

[2] In a separate small bowl, beat the egg, sugar, cornstarch, baking soda, xanthan gum, and salt with an electric mixer on low speed until well blended. Beat in the melted chocolate mixture until no cornstarch streaks remain. Stir in the walnuts and remaining chocolate chips. Dough will be soft. Refrigerate, covered, 2 hours.

[3] Place a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat the oven to 375°F. Line a 9×13-inch baking sheet (not nonstick) with parchment paper. Shape dough into 12 walnut-sized balls and place on baking sheet, at least 1 ½-inches apart.

[4] Bake just until the crust starts to crack, about 10 to 12 minutes. Do not overbake. Cool cookies 2 minutes on baking sheet, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Or, freeze balls up to 1 month and bake later.

Per cookie: 130 calories; 2g protein; 7 g total fat; 1g fiber; 17 g carbohydrates; 18 mg cholesterol; 18 mg sodium


NOTE: You probably noticed the extremely small measurements in this—, for example, 1/16 teaspoon. You can buy mini-teaspoons at kitchen stores or online and they usually contain 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32 measurements. They are good investment for your kitchen if you bake in small batches that require small measurements.