
Carol's latest book, Gluten-Free Cooking for Two, is now available. Designed for small households, each perfectly-proportioned recipe serves two people. You will eliminate unwanted leftovers and reduce waste when you cook right-size meals with the 125 recipes in this book. Enjoy!! Celebrate with me!!! Gluten-Free Cooking for Two has won two awards: named one of ten "Best Gluten-Free Cooking Books in 2017" by and won a Silver Medal in the 2017 Living Now Book Awards in the "Natural, Nutrition, Organic, Vegetarian" category.
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Where in the World is Carol?

Carol's in the kitchen, cooking up recipes for her next cookbook and

Watch for Carol on "Creative Living with Sheryl Borden," a PBS-TV show airing on your local PBS station during 2017-2018.

Join Carol at the National Western Complex, Expo Hall level 2 in Denver on April 21,10:30 am during the GFAF Expo Conference. See you there!

Get Your Copy of Gluten-Free: The Definitive Resource Guide by Shelley Case, RD

My friend and colleague, Shelley Case, sent me a copy of her latest book, Gluten-Free: The Definitive Resource Guide and I think you should know about it. The 2016 version is completely updated, wonderfully informative, and a great reference for every gluten-free household.

Gluten-Free: The Definitive Resource Guide by Shelley Case, RD

Gluten-Free: The Definitive Resource Guide by Shelley Case, RD

Shelley is one of North America’s foremost experts on the gluten-free lifestyle. Not only is she a sought-after speaker, but she has been actively involved in shaping our gluten-free world for over the past 30 years. Many of the benefits we now enjoy (such as product labeling in both the U.S. and Canada) are a direct result of Shelley’s hard work.

If you know Shelley, you know how thorough she is. This revised version reflects years of hard work to make sure it is as up-to-date as possible. It is perfect for home cooks, dietitians, and other health professionals who want to stay informed about the gluten-free lifestyle. My copy sits on the shelf next to my other trusted references so I can easily reach it when I have a question.

What the Book Contains

Here are some of the topics that Shelley covers:

[1] Latest research on Celiac disease & non-celiac gluten sensitivity

[2] What foods are safe and what foods to avoid

[3] Status of questionable ingredients such as vinegar, wheat starch, glucose syrup, oats, etc.

[4] Gluten-free and food allergen labeling in the U.S. and Canada

[5] How to prevent cross-contamination

[6] More than 3700 gluten-free products listed by company and product name

[7] Advice on dining out and traveling

Shelley also offers recipes with nutrient analysis, a comprehensive directory of over 220 companies, and lists of gluten-free books, cookbooks, magazines, and other resources. There really is no other book like this!

This book belongs on everyone’s shelf. You can get your copy at where you can read more about Shelley’s amazing work or on