
Carol's latest book, Gluten-Free Cooking for Two, is now available. Designed for small households, each perfectly-proportioned recipe serves two people. You will eliminate unwanted leftovers and reduce waste when you cook right-size meals with the 125 recipes in this book. Enjoy!! Celebrate with me!!! Gluten-Free Cooking for Two has won two awards: named one of ten "Best Gluten-Free Cooking Books in 2017" by and won a Silver Medal in the 2017 Living Now Book Awards in the "Natural, Nutrition, Organic, Vegetarian" category.
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Where in the World is Carol?

Carol's in the kitchen, cooking up recipes for her next cookbook and

Watch for Carol on "Creative Living with Sheryl Borden," a PBS-TV show airing on your local PBS station during 2017-2018.

Join Carol at the National Western Complex, Expo Hall level 2 in Denver on April 21,10:30 am during the GFAF Expo Conference. See you there!

It’s Almost Time to Plant Your Own Herbs

Grow Your Own Herbs

Grown Your Own Herbs, Such as Basil

Remember last year when I suggested that you make a note on your calendar to plant herbs in Spring, 2012?

Well, it is time to start planning ?although you wouldn’t know it here in Denver with our fickle weather. We are expecting snow tonight, yet it was 80 degrees over the weekend.

Some herbs are perennial and return every year, such as chives and sage, and my chives and sage are already 12-inches tall. But annual herbs such as basil, mint, and parsley must be replanted each year so I am planning and plotting for when the weather warms up permanently.

You all know that I love my herb garden. To me, gathering fresh herbs and using them in cooking is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Herbs lend flavor and aroma to our gluten-free cooking and make a simple dish come alive with added pizzazz, plus many of them are just plain good for us. I use herbs in everything: rosemary sprinkled on potatoes, basil in homemade pesto, mint in Mojitos, dill in potato salad and homemade pickles, oregano and marjoram in Mexican stews, parsley in Chimichurri, chives in chive oil…the list goes on.

It is really rewarding to snip fresh rosemary or fresh basil or any of the other wonderful herbs and then cook with them immediately, without having to run to the store. And, it’s much less expensive. So, start planning which herbs you want to plant; choose the pots, get the potting soil, and decide on a good location. Then wait until the danger of frost is over before you buy and plant the herbs.  Then enjoy! You will thank yourself throughout the summer!

Here are some tips to make the most of your herbs:

[1] Buy healthy plants. Look for the healthiest plants you can find with no signs of disease or blemish. Plant them soon after getting them home; I’ve had herbs die while waiting to plant them. What a waste!

[2] Choose a good location. My herbs prefer a patio on the northeast side of my house that gets mild morning sun, but is shaded from the harsh afternoon sun. You might experiment with different locations to see where your herbs grow best.  I grow them in big pots rather than in the ground so the rabbits can’t eat them, or  put them in your garden plot if you have one.

[3] Give herbs lots of TLC. Although most herbs are fairly forgiving for those who are green thumb-challenged, be sure to plant them in good potting soil and water them as directed. Some need lots of water; others don’t. Follow the instructions that come with the plant. If they start to flower at the top of the stem (called bolting, which you can see in the above photo of basil), pinch the flower buds off right away or else the flavors may diminish and the plants may produce fewer leaves.